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Saturday 27 July updated on 07-27-2024 at 8:06

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The Les Arcs Trail Challenge is organised by the AB Tourisme Events Section. It consists of 3 rambling routes of different gross ascents.

Trails marked from 12 July to 05 September 2020.

The principle: to complete one of the three selected routes as quickly as possible.

It is both an individual and a group challenge as everyone can share their performances on « ».

Entry is free.

Les Arcs Ski de Rando Challenge by Salomon

3 km et 450 mètres de dénivelés positifs

Départ sur le front de neige d’Arc 1800, au pied de la télécabine Dahu. Suivez l’itinéraire balisé de jalons.

Pour la montée, restez sur l’itinéraire balisé.

L’arrivée se situe à 2284 m d’altitude, au sommet du télésiège de Vagère où vous trouverez le panneau « Les Arcs Ski de Rando Challenge by Salomon».

Pour les personnes souhaitant apparaitre dans le classement chronométré, il vous sera demandé un justificatif d’activité de type : STRAVA ou autres logiciels de montres connectées. Mais si vous ne disposez pas de montre connectée et que vous souhaitez participer au tirage au sort c’est possible ! Partagez lors de votre inscription votre plus beau selfie à côté de la balise d’arrivée.

Pour participer, rendez-vous sur le site LESARCS.COM et complétez le formulaire d’inscription.

Pour visualiser le tracé GPX, cliquez-ici.


It is essential to follow some basic rules of public-spiritedness and that everyone respects those who are using the same path for different purposes. The Les Arcs  Trail Challenge courses are partly reserved for walkers … Nevertheless, stay alert as mountain bikers and vehicle drivers may use some routes.

The mountains are a pleasure to be shared!


Every participant undertaking a Les Arcs Trail Challenge course must be covered by personal insurance. In no circumstances can a claim be made on the organisers’ insurance. The organisers decline any responsibility in the event of theft or damage to equipment.

In the event of an incident on the course, contact 112 directly.

The spirit of a nature trail:

As part of its environmental quality initiative and so that everyone can get the best out of these beautiful mountains, please observe several rules:
- Keep your distance from the wildlife.
- Stay on the marked courses to respect the environment you are passing through whether it is natural or agricultural.
- Please keep your litter and use the bins available at the end of the course. 
- Respect others: you will most certainly not be alone on these courses, so have respect for one another and greet each other with a smile! Have a chat and all will be well …

The markers:

The organiser will take all steps to mark the different courses thoroughly. They will regularly maintain the courses and, if they deem it necessary, will replace damaged or missing signs. They cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by others.They cannot be held responsible for damage caused by others.

Marking will be by small signs in the colour of the chosen course and by the existing mountain path and GR signs.

If a participant loses their way, they must retrace their steps until they get back on the marked trail. Anyone who covers an additional distance due to an error of navigation must retrace their steps to get back on the established course. There will be no time deducted to compensate for their error.

Results – prizes:

The courses are open to all.

Go to the « Les Arcs Trail Challenge » page on the « Les Arcs » website to enter by completing the entry form with your contact details, your time and proof you have completed the course…It’s simple !!

For the Funicular Trail Challenge and the Altitude Trail Challenge:

The classification will be updated twice a week for each of these challenges. Entries will close on 05 September 2020 and the 3 best Men’s and Women’s times will win prizes. At the beginning of September 2020, the winners will be contacted directly by @ to hand over their prizes (NB for verification we may ask for your GPX trace)

Les Arcs Family Trail Challenge:

There will be no classification by time. All « child » entrants will be given a «les Arcs» gift. To this end, take selfies in front of the start and finish markers and take them to the Arc 1800 - Charvet Tourist Office. After checking your photos, we will give you a lovely prize.

Image copyright

By entering the Les Arcs Trail Challenge, you grant AB Tourisme collective, individual and private image copyright, close up or from a distance any use on any medium for commercial or other use, free of charge.

Protection of personal data

By submitting your details when entering, you accept that they may be used exclusively in respect of your request and of the ethical commercial relationship which may arise therefrom if you so wish.

Information gathered on this form is recorded in a digital file by «Les Arcs» to keep you informed about our resort.

They are retained by us for the period necessary for the fulfilment of our legal and contractual obligations.

In accordance with the legislation relating to the protection of personal data, you have the right of access, correction and objection. These rights may be exercised by e-mail to with proof of your identity.

For further information about the management of your data, you can consult our Confidentiality Policy :