Access to Les Arcs: special equipment required

See you on the slopes until 26 April


Sunday 12 January updated on 01-12-2025 at 8:06

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Tuesday 2025.01.14 0°C l 0° C

Monday, cloudy sun, foehn and lombard in the morning

Tuesday 2025.01.14 0°C l 0° C

Monday, cloudy sun, foehn and lombard in the morning

2200 m Inconnu 1 / 10
Sunday 2025.01.12 Monday 2025.01.13 Tuesday 2025.01.14 Wednesday 2025.01.15
Temperature -7°C | -4°C 0°C | 0°C 0°C | 0°C 0°C | 0°C
Wind speed 4 km/h 4 km/h 7 km/h 7 km/h
Freezing level 0° 1400 m 1550 m 2200 m 2900 m
Visibility Inconnu Inconnu Inconnu Inconnu
UV index 1 / 10 1 / 10 1 / 10 2 / 10

Forecast reliability Arc 1600 / Arc 1800