Join us from 15 June to 15 September


Sunday 08 September updated on 09-08-2024 at 8:06

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Supervised walks & hikes

Choose from our service providers:

Dion Marie-Odile activité randonnée raquette hiver

Nordic walking: beginners and intermediates in an enjoyable healthy sport that will give you an energising sense of well-being. Mountain guide specialising in botany: excursions on foot or snowshoes to explore the world of the mountains! Partnership with the ESF in winter, Place du Soleil in Arc 1600.

Sans local commercial

06 82 88 79 81

See the website


This very convivial and regenerative outdoor fitness activity is brought to you by Marie-Odile, a Vanoise National Park ambassadress, in a harmonious and relaxed atmosphere.

Opening period

From 24/06 to 30/08/2024

daily .


Client profile

  • Home school groups
  • Groups
  • Welcome for business/incentive groups


  • Snowshoe rental

Welcome for people with disabilities

Tourisme adapté

  • Hearing disability
  • Mental disability
  • Visual disability
  • Prestation accessible avec aide pour une personne non-voyante

Payment Methods

  • Check
  • Cash