See you on the slopes until 26 April


Wednesday 12 March updated on 03-12-2025 at 8:06

  • Snow :
    • 5 cm high. at 1600m
    • 4 cm high. at 3200m
  • Snow quality :
    • DOUCE
  • 260 cm high. at 1600m
    • DOUCE

Wednesday 12 March updated on 03-12-2025 at 8:06

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  • Snow :
    • 45 cm high. at 1600m
    • 260 cm high. at 3200m
  • Snow quality :
    • DOUCE
  • 260 cm high. at 3200m
    • DOUCE
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Skier-intelligent Smart-skiing

ski, snowboard, & monoski class with Pierre Raisson.

Sans local commercial
Les Arcs

06 25 82 48 52

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"SMART SKIING", "SKIER INTELLIGENT", with Pierre Raisson, real "snowy" local SKI-INSTRUCTOR,
Private lessons: the best way to protect yourself, thanks to a reducted number of people in class, and to the ease with witch it is possible to adapt the departure times, slightly out of step with the times and areas of affluence...
Edeal solution to enjoy the wonderful area of Les Arcs Paradiski in greater tranquilty.
Get off the beaten path of "mass" skiing instruction.
Have fun, use a unique, easy scientifically advanced teaching and learning technique.
Personalised skiing, snowboarding and mono skiing lessons, for all ages, all levels, also for the ‘disheartened’. 
Former examiner for the École Nationale de Ski et d’Alpinisme, also within the ESF instructors, Pierre Raisson, technic creator and author of the first books about snowboarding and mono skiing. 
Over time, analysing the common techniques of these different forms of snow sports imposed itself on him. 
Ski, snowboard, monoski: "same combat" ! 
Transform your qualities, your quest for progression, your desires, your fears, sometimes visceral, understandably, strengths, then into HAPPINESS !
I think, so I slide.
Then again, is it necessary to know what to think. 
Then we must first ski with our head, with intelligence as a support. 
Know what you are doing on the snow and why you are doing so, even before it is done.. do you follow?
This way of teaching skiing, snowboarding and mono skiing, based on a high level of comprehension simplified from the unavoidable laws of physical, physiological and psychological anatomy, applied on snow sports. This method enriches your experience and stays the best path towards your success and pleasure on snow. 
Thinking is one thing, acting is another. 
One of the first tracks (the second, one thinks) of mono skiing on the North face of the Mont Blanc, 4808 m..., including several firsts tracks snowboarding on the East face of the “Pic du Communisme”, the highest sommet of Pamyr at 7495 m, to support his words, his books. 
On slopes, off pistes, adults, children, beginners (he adores!), intermediate to confirmed, even desperate cases, alone or accompanied, for sure you will know where you are, why, and what doors are opened to you.
Understanding to learning, whatever the level, be "SMART SKIER", so “SKIER INTELLIGENT”: “what else?”.
Patience and assurance.
Humour and poetry, if affinities.
His happiness to him? Your progress!
Leave or receive at the end of the season, if you wish, photos and videos of your activities and progress on the snow.
Tout cela en français, in english, suficiente en español, Немного по-русски.

Opening period

From 15/12/2024 to 27/04/2025, daily.

Welcome for people with disabilities

Tourisme adapté

  • Mental disability
  • Not accessible in a wheelchair