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Saturday 27 July updated on 07-27-2024 at 8:06

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Mille8 Highlights and entertainments

Back on the Color Mille8 !


Mille8, Arc 1800’s new leisure centre invites you to enjoy unique experiences every day throughout the new 2015-2016 season. 

Get out your Smartphones and get on the dance floor!
Mille8 is going to get fired up to get you dancing at the 4 «Colour Me»’s of the season. 


A Juke Box Party by What's Up or if you prefer, a  DJ and video mapping show organised once the pistes are closed to get your evening off to a great start! 
You, the public, will be choosing the play list by voting for your 10 favourite songs via a dedicated application and the DJ’s, in position in a 6m high Juke Box, will do the rest to get you dancing!


But where and when is it?

The season’s 2 “Colour me” events will take place in front of the terrace of le Lodge at the top of Mille8

#colour me red 22 December 2015 from 5.00 to 6.30 p.m.
It’s Christmas time!

#colour me yellow 28 December 2015 from 5.00 to 6.30 p.m.
 A foretaste of New Year …

#colour me blue 11 February 2016 from 5.30 to 7.00 p.m.
Time to celebrate the holidays!

#colour me green 1st March 2016 from 5.30 to 7.00 p.m.
Your mission is to raise the temperature at the last #COLOUR ME!

How does it work?!

You will mix and dance on your favorite songs!

Discover without delay the 60 tracks of the playlist to make your choice...

To access the Web App and vote, RDV on <link file: c: users dtamburini appdata local microsoft windows inetcache content.outlook bh3y89p6> (accessible from the Saturday before #ColorMe, only on mobile phone)


Choose your tracks for a mix of 1h30

Color Mille8


Ne manquez pas cette date !

Fusion et explosion multicolore à Mille8 à l’occasion d’un #COLOR ME très spécial : le #COLOR MILLE8 du 16 février 2016 !
Une création unique avec vidéo mappingson et lumière, ballet de faisceaux lumineuxstructures monumentalespyrotechnie et concert live vous attend pour 3 heures d’émotions, de délires et de fête !

RDV dès 18h sur l’Esplanade en haut de la télécabine Villards d’Arc 1800, au sommet de Mille8 !

Au programme :

18hmise en ambiance de l'espace Mille8
>Skytracers: balai de faisceaux lumineux
>Animations vidéos sur l'écran de la Luge

18h30ambiance musicale DJ
>Début du mapping vidéo sur un structure monumentale de 10m de haut et 50m de large
>Retransmission live de l'évènement sur l'écran du télésiège Vagère et la TV des Arcs

19hgrand show
>Show son et lumière

19h15concert DJ
>DJ Duty Sound aux platines

Sur place, bar de neige avec consommation à 3€.

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