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Tuesday 04 February updated on 02-04-2025 at 8:06
Tuesday 04 February updated on 02-04-2025 at 8:06
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Benefit from tax advantages such as 71% write down of profits from rentals and exemption from CFE (ex TP - Business Tax).
Official classification procedure for classifying furnished tourist accommodation:
+ The classification procedure is a voluntary step initiated by the property owner.
+ The property owner requests an inspection visit from La Maison des Propriétaires. He/she chooses the desired category of classification.
La Maison des Propriétaires offers a preferential price of 72€ (instead of a minimum of 170€), including « CristauxParadiski » classification carried out at the same time.
After the inspection visit, La Maison des Propriétaires writes a report and sends it with the completed mark card to the owner within 1 month. The owner has 15 days to contest the classification decision with La Maison des Propriétaires.
After approval by the owner, the classification decision is confirmed by La Maison des Propriétaires.
The classification certificate is valid for five years.
NB: the price of 72€/apartment covers the cost of the inspection visit, the completion of the mark card and writing of reports carried out by La Maison des Propriétaires staff. It will only be possible to carry out a second inspection and award a new classification within a maximum of 1 year.
2nd CLASSIFICATION CARDS: The Cristaux Paradiski
The national classification «meublés de tourisme » (furnished tourist accommodation) to enable you to benefit from tax advantages. However, this classification based on quantity criteria, is not suited to our needs. This is why we apply a second more qualitative classification...
+ Les Cristaux Paradiski : This inspection card, common to both La Plagne and Peisey-Vallandry, takes into account not only the needs of Les Arcs’ holiday clientele (such as ski racks for example) but also the specificities of the small surface areas and interior layout in our resorts.
The «Cristaux Paradiski» classification is carried out at the same time as the furnished tourist accommodation inspection visit and is included in the 50€.
These days, clients prefer to choose rentals that are classified to ensure the quality of their reservation. In its concern for clarity, La Maison des Propriétaires staff visits and classifies furnished tourist accommodation in les Arcs/Bourg Saint Maurice.
For the tenant client: A better visibility of the tourist accommodation on offer and the guarantee of the quality of the accommodation (an apartment with a good score is 30% more occupied on average as it generates more interest)
For the resort: An essential tool for better promotion
Les Arcs/Bourg Saint Maurice also offers owners of Cristaux Paradiski classified properties the chance to become a PARTNER to BENEFIT from VISIBILITY on the web site and mobile apps.
Vous êtes propriétaire et vous avez un compte Les Arcs :
Connectez-vous à votre compte et cliquez sur "Mes appartements classés" afin de pouvoir faire votre demande de classement.
Vous êtes propriétaire et vous n'avez pas de compte Les Arcs :
Créez votre compte, activez-le, puis suivez la procédure ci-dessus.
Hélène MAURIN : Property rating executive
Béatrice ARPIN : Property rating assistant