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Thursday 21 November updated on 11-21-2024 at 8:06
Thursday 21 November updated on 11-21-2024 at 8:06
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From simple walks and mountain hikes , nothing can be improvised so here are some tips before leaving.
Avoid going into the mountains alone and/or always let someone know the purpose of your outing.
Make sure of the route to follow and its difficulties before your departure: beware of the often slippery grassy slopes which can dominate rocky cliffs and do not venture into the bed of the streams.
Weather report
Don't forget to check the local weather forecast: 08 92 68 02 73 or 3250. In case of bad weather: fog, rain, snow... turn back. Some routes may present difficulties related to weather or snow conditions depending on the season.
Equipment & advice
Hiking shoes, light clothing to protect yourself from the sun as well as from the cold or the rain, sunglasses, gloves, hat and/or cap, sunscreen. strengthen your balance.
Do not forget to hydrate and eat regularly, respect recovery periods by taking breaks.
To keep the mountain intact, keep it clean by carrying a small bag to take your rubbish back down to the valley. The trails require a lot of maintenance work. Do not take shortcuts which, while digging, channel rainwater and deteriorate the paths.
The mountain, a shared space
In summer the mountain pastures are grazed by herds. A few rules allow you to enjoy the mountains while respecting the work of the breeders and the tranquility of the animals.
Find out what actions to take if you encounter one of the protection dogs -->
For everyone who dreams of getting away from it all! Come and explore a little- frequented part of the mountains on foot or snowshoes. All inclusive holidays arranged to explore the most beautiful valleys, classified villages, mountain wildlife and local craft workers.
215 Rue de l'Arbonne
Sans local commercial
Pour tous ceux qui rêvent d'évasion, de découvrir les montagnes les plus secrètes et qui souhaitent être guidés par un accompagnateur passionné, instruit et convivial.
Un large choix de sorties est proposé et répond à tous les niveaux physiques et à toutes les envies.
L'été : observation de la faune en famille, découverte de la flore, sortie photos, balade et yoga, visite de producteurs locaux, initiation trail, randonnée journée.
L'hiver : sortie nocturne en raquettes et apéro, sortie journée et repas savoyard dans un chalet d'alpage.
Plusieurs jours : séjours itinérants avec nuits en refuges, avec des ânes de bâts, en multi activités (rando, raft, via-ferrata),...
From 01/01 to 31/12/2025
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